Week at a Glance 2/26 - 3/1 End of Trimester 4
4-5th Grade History Shield painting for SJA hoplites
Hello and welcome to the new week!
Welcome back! This week I wanted to highlight the subject of math. Math continues to be a subject of wonder in our age. Much of the technologies we've developed as a civilization-- space vehicles, computer chips, medicines of various kinds, robotics-- can at least partially be attributed to developed and applied math knowledge.
At SJA we have had and strive to further develop a math program that students continue to love. Math is knit into all our subjects: measurements for art projects, equations for science class, the history of math in the ancient world, and so much more! When our students "get math", we celebrate the discovery and encourage them to mature into the years ahead.
Here's to math!
Now let's look at what the week ahead will bring:
P.E. all grades concentrating on team play
K-5th Greek will be reviewing the months in Greek.
6-8th Grade History are finishing a research paper on Native American themes
Math League Testing 6-8th Grade
4-5th History students are making shields and spears to join the army of Alexander the Great.
7-8th Debate will be preparing opening statements and witness statements for a mock trial.
10-12th Grade Art History will be doing presentations on Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles.
2nd Grade Art will be practicing drawing skills
3rd grade is painting Half n Half Van Gogh paintings
4-5th Grade Art will be finishing the model of an airport
6-8th Grade Art will finish up model of HVC
Adv. Photo/Media will be presenting Final Magazine covers with Lead in article
Photo 8 will be printing negatives they have developed.
End of Trimester 4
Have a great week!
St. John’s Academy